
How To Survive 2012 Review

How To Survive 2012
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Patrick Geryl is brutally honest in describing this Cataclysm in our near future. Just to give you a small sample found in the foreword:
"I clearly explained that life after a polar reversal is nothing but horror, pure unimaginable horror. All securities you presently have at hand such as food transportation and medicine will disappear in one big blow, as will our entire civilization, dissolved into nothingness. It cannot be more horrifying than this; worse than the worst nightmare. More destructive than a nuclear war in which the entire global arsenal of nuclear weapons has been deployed. Are you grasping the facts?
The earth will be subject to total destruction. It will be many times worse than my description. You will know terrible hunger, cold, and pain without the hope of a quick recovery; all knowledge and resources will have been completely destroyed. This will be the reality of your daily life after the forthcoming polar reversal. This is the scenario you will have to fight your way through in order to survive."
The author of this book states that a pole reversal/slip occurs every 11,500-12,000 years, caused by our sun's solar cycles that occur in this period of time. Geryl goes on to state that if you want to survive you need at least 12-18 thousand dollars minimum to purchase necessary items to survive and you need to pick the right location in the world which does not include North and South America. I gave this book 5 stars because I agree with almost everything Patrick Geryl says in this book except the following points.

Geryl states on page 96-97 that after the pole shift of 2012, the United States and Canada will be located under the Artic circle (the new South Pole) and North America will be under glaciers just like the last ice age. I don't agree with his logic on this. Another item I disagree with is, what our future population should be limited to because more people, means more pollution. Geryl states that no more than 100 million people should occupy the earth which is an extreme position in my opinion. Even the N.W.O. people say 500 million people are optimal. The world can sustain 1 or 2 billion people easily and should be limited to this. Geryl also states that just before the next polar flip the population of earth should be culled to a mere 100,000 people. That is just absurd; almost as crazy as his suggestion that venereal disease can be cured by fasting for 16 days (page 107). Geryl is a vegetarian that believes in a fruit and vegetable diet and wants to ban many industries in the coming new world which include slaughterhouses, tobacco companies, candy companies, chemical companies (pesticides and herbicides), food companies that process food, and limit the size of cities (avoiding tall buildings) in the pursuit of a much happier society. On page 128, Geryl says:
"A strong central authority will have to issue strict laws for starting companies and the use of raw materials. This is the only way to prevent ecological catastrophes. Furthermore, we need to make sure that people can earn money, but cannot become rich."
If I survive this pole shift/reversal, I do not want Geryl in charge of the new world, that's for sure. I value freedom and Geryl, being from Belgium, has a different perspective on what freedom is. And finally, contrary to Geryl, I believe that most governments know of this coming catastrophe and have been preparing for it for years. The USA, China, and Russia have massive underground cities all over the world. I think that most of the underground cities will perish in the coming polar shift, but some will survive. Two years before 2012 Geryl states he will publish this book for free on the web which proves he is sincere and really believes the end of the world is at hand.

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Prepare and prevail in the End of Times After 2012! In his previous books, Patrick Geryl presented a detailed scenario set to take place in the year 2012: the complete and utter destruction which has occurred in Earth's past and will occur again. The sun's magnetic poles sometimes reverse, causing massive solar flares that lash out into the solar system. These disrupt the Earth's magnetic field and reverse the Earth's magnetic poles' rotational direction. The Earth's outer crust will be thrown into chaos, with planet-wide earthquakes, volcanoes and tidal waves reshaping landmasses and seas in a matter of hours. Civilization as we know it will end as very few humans will survive. But the obstacles are not insurmountable. Here is a blueprint to survive the disaster. Geryl explains in detail the myriad problems survivors will encounter, and the precautions that need to be taken to overcome them.

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