
Tadpole's Promise (Bccb Blue Ribbon Picture Book Awards (Awards)) Review

Tadpole's Promise (Bccb Blue Ribbon Picture Book Awards (Awards))
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Being that the Editorial Review explains the story in full detail I won't reiterate the ending, which is the crux of this story. I checked this book out from the library because my daughter is very interested in tadpoles and frogs. I must say that I was aghast when I read the ending of this story. Luckily (so I thought) I read it on my own while my daughter was in bed. Being that days earlier we released a monarch butterfly that we had from the caterpillar stage, I figured this was NOT a book for my daughter. I made the mistake of leaving the book out though and she saw it and begged me to read it to her, which I did reluctantly. She LOVED it!! She laughed hysterically at the ending. I was worried that she would be upset, but there sat my 4 year old laughing and laughing, "Read it again, read it again!!" That gave me permission to love the story and the uniqueness of it. I and every other adult that I gave it to thought there would be the happy couple at the happy ending because the caterpillar would see the error of her ways once she changed into a butterfly (ho hum, yawn). Each was just as shocked as I was at the outcome. Every kid we shared it with thought it was soooo funny. Because of the surprise ending, my daughter is very eager to share the book and she delights in the reader's reaction. She gets to experience the surprise over and over through each reader. I find the vertical format to be a clever arrangement for this sky and underwater story. I also like the illustrator's style and feel that he adds to the story with little extras, like a fish chasing some other tadpoles (a bit of foreshadowing) and vice versa. I also like the frog offering the caterpillar a water plant much like a person offering a bouquet of flowers when asking for forgiveness. And the ironic image of the frog with the caterpillar's new wings (her change which we thought was going to make all well) sticking out of his mouth: priceless. Although be it a bit (ok, a lot) unorthodox, this is a story about accepting each others differences...and if you're mean you pay for it! :o) Needless to say, this book is on our wish list ready for our next purchase and will also be given as gifts...but only to those we know can handle it.

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