
DeepFreeze A Photographer's Antarctic Odyssey in the Year 1959 Review

DeepFreeze A Photographer's Antarctic Odyssey in the Year 1959
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The purchase of "Deep Freeze!" by Robert A. McCabe was a serendipitous event for me. Mr. McCabe's odyssey to Antarctica intersected with my dad's tour of duty on the ice.
A photo of my dad with a penguin was spotted in a N.Y. Times science blog by my son who lives in Oregon. He forwarded it to me in Arizona and the beautiful book arrived on my doorstep on my deceased father's birthday! Mr. McCabe took excellent notes and superb photos and it was like stepping back in time some 50 years to a simpler and familiar era from my childhood. Thank you Mr. McCabe, Strand Books, and Amazon for a small miracle for my family.

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